Saturday, April 24, 2010

Focus on Green

Just in time for Earth Day the team at Focus Features worked hard to reduce their carbon footprint.
The site features a large icon the reads “Green lives here. Green is universal. Make a difference click here.” The link brings the visitor to the Green is Universal site. Visitors can take a quiz to find out their shade of green (I’m forest green by the way). Another icon asks visitors “How will you help the Earth?” and provides a link to tell everyone on Facebook.  
Several different links provides information for visitors to test their knowledge on everything green. Even the application “iBloom” lets users plant a virtual seed and tend to its needs, in order to promote the green theme.
A “Green Auction: A Bid to Save the Earth” is an organization raising awareness and funds to protect the Earth. The Green is Universal has teamed up with this organization and all proceeds will benefit the four leading non-profits Conservation International, The Natural Resources Defense Council, Oceana, and The Central Park Conservancy.
Focus Features also provides a link to Gordon Ampel’s Green Blog. He is the Vice President of Global Operations, and according to the site “he works to spread environmental consciousness throughout the company’s offices globally and individually.”
But Focus Features doesn’t stop there. The 2009 movie “Away We Go” is also featured on the site. Although it isn’t exactly new, it’s still relevant to the going green theme, because the entire movie production went green.
A video is featured on the site explaining why and how the movie production went green. The video does run a tad long (6 minutes and 35 seconds to be exact), but Focus Features tries to go over several different topics on the green theme. In addition, more links on related green articles can also be found on the site.
Focus Features uses the impact strategy to grab the attention of visitors to the site. By providing links, games, quizzes and more makes the visitors feel like they are a part of the green movement, this would also qualify under human interest. These are two strategies Focus Features uses quite frequently. Timeliness is another tactic being used to promote Earth Day. Furthermore, personal appearances would also qualify for this public relations tactic, by showing the actors and movie set going green. Gordon Ampel would be considered personal appearance as well because he is an expert in the field.
These public relations tactics were executed perfectly. Focus Features had every detail planned out in order to show fans that they care about the environment. This could potentially help Focus Features receive new fans and earn respect from the many others who contribute to help the environment by going green. 

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